Shepherding Like Jésus

Auteur : Andrew Hébert

Spiritually bankrupt. Broken. Humble. Hungry. Sympathetic. Pure. Reconciling. Enduring. These are not the words that describe the typical picture of the modern-day successful American pastor, but these are the words Jesus said should characterize the lives of his twelve disciples. In the beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus paints a very clear picture of eight attitudes his disciples should embrace if they expect blessing. Many modern-day pastors cut a very different image than the biblical picture of a local church shepherd. We are supposed to be dreamers, visionaries, catalysts, ambitious, thought leaders, influencers, motivators, and change agents. Much time is spent crafting and sustaining our image, broadening our reach, and extending our platform. Poor in spirit ? Mourning ? Humble ? Not so much. In many circles, the image of what a pastor is or does looks nothing like the picture Jesus paints for his disciples of the character that marks citizens of his kingdom. Shepherding like Jesus is a call to rebel against much of what our culture understands pastoral leadership to be and return to being the shepherd God has called pastors to be. It’s an invitation to recover the most essential element of pastoral ministry : the character of Christ.

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