DayBrightener: What's True About You

  • Référence DAY8762
  • EAN 0819836876242
  • Editeur


You are loved. You have a purpose. You’re seen and valued. We’ll never stop needing the daily reminders on the 366 pages of this DayBrightener, because other voices, and our own feelings, will never stop trying to tell us who we really are or should be. But when we decide God gets the final word, then everything changes. Let this little calendar of encouragement strengthen you each day as you remember : You are God’s creation. You are His beloved daughter. And what He says about you is true today and forever. This world tries to tell us we need to be more like someone else, perhaps a celebrity, an athlete, or the person at church who seems so much more spiritual. But God only asks us to become more like Jesus.

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DayBrightener: What's True About You
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