One Perfect Life
The Complete Story of the Lord Jesus

Auteur : John F. MacArthur

Using Matthew as the base text, Dr. MacArthur blends the gospels and other biblical material about Jesus into one continuous story that will help you better understand Scripture and grow stronger in your faith.

Read the best news the world has ever been given about the most significant life in all history--Jesus Christ. In One Perfect Life, Dr. John MacArthur shares with us the complete story of the Eternal Christ from Genesis to Revelation. Using Matthew as the base text, Dr. MacArthur blends the gospels and other biblical material about Jesus into one continuous story that will help you better understand Scripture and grow stronger in your faith. No other harmony of the Gospels includes such extensive study notes to help you unpack the meaning of each verse.

MacArthur John F.


Diplômé de la Faculté de Théologie de Talbot (USA), le Dr John MacArthur est pasteur principal de «l’Eglise de la Grâce» de Sun Valley (Californie). Conférencier et professeur réputé, il anime un programme quotidien d’évangélisation diffusé sur plus de 1000 stations de radio en Amérique du Nord, en Europe, en Afrique et en Océanie. Il est l’auteur de plus de 70 ouvrages dont, aux éditions La Maison de la Bible et Impact, Demeurez fermes, Évangile selon Paul, En Jésus seul, La bonne nouvelle etc.

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One Perfect Life - The Complete Story of the Lord Jesus
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