The Law of Rewards
Giving What You Can't Keep to Gain What You Can't Lose

Auteur : Randy Alcorn

You can’t take it with you . . . but what if everything you ever wanted was waiting for you when you got there ? As Christians, we often think that once we give our money to a church or a ministry, or to help the needy, it’s gone forever. Sure, others might benefit from it, but we no longer will. Nothing could be further from the truth ! When Jesus said, « There is more happiness in giving than in receiving » (Acts 20:35), he meant it ! God keeps track of every penny we give to those in need in his name, and he promises to reward us with even greater gifts in Heaven. So when we give to others, we actually receive far more than when we keep it. That’s the law of rewards ! Join bestselling author and theologian Randy Alcorn as he explains how God’s motivation system works and how the way we live and give on earth now determines the kind of rewards we’ll receive in Heaven, for all eternity.

Alcorn Randy


Après avoir été pasteur pendant 14 ans, Randy Alcorn a fondé et dirige Eternal Pespectives Ministries , une œuvre chrétienne ayant pour objectif l'édification et l'évangélisation. Il est l'auteur de nombreux livres dont The Treasure Principle . Il est marié et père de deux filles. Il vit avec son épouse Nanci à Gresham dans l'Oregon aux Etats-Unis.

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The Law of Rewards - Giving What You Can't Keep to Gain What You Can't Lose
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